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Healing requires transformation, as such, it should be recognized that healing is a matter of courage. We require a tremendous amount of inner strength  to choose to change familiar patterns of thinking and living, particularly when one is physically weakened or going through an emotional crisis.

The Eastern tradition wisdom teaches us that we are a combination of mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual currents of energy that come together to form the physical body. Our bodies have energy centers called chakras. The word “chakra” is the Hindu word for “wheel” and is used to refer to each of the seven centers located at sequential points along the spine. When these wheels are spinning properly our health is maintained. These energy centers also correspond to major nerve centers in the physical body. The flow of these currents of energy is regulated through our bodies by our beliefs and attitudes, which create all of our fear patterns, concepts of reality, understanding of God and the universe, memories and all the information we stored in our brain through experiences we have had and through different channels of upbringing and education.

We need to understand our energetic anatomy as well as our physical anatomy so we can begin to navigate the healing process. The chakras are a system of interconnected invisible energy wheels that make up our energy anatomy. They are critical to the formation of disease and process of healing in our lives.

The chakras log every single perception throughout our lives according to the quality of power at that moment of our development.

THE FIRST CHAKRA – Tribal consciousness

Location: Base of the spine

Body parts: legs, hips, joints and pelvic area.

Childhood stage: safety, security, reason from right vs. wrong, good or bad, accountability lesson of cause and effect.

Tribal ideas: Our families instill in us belief patterns that we will energetically finance (beliefs in regards to finances, justice, law and order, sociological attitudes, interracial beliefs, superstition, culture, justice, time and space).

Tribal ideas- benefits: They keep you safe, teach you loyalty, pride in family tradition, sense of community, act with honor among others, learn to develop your position within the group.

Tribal ideas- disadvantages: Surrender to tribal authority over your own reality.

Physical illness: Chronic back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal difficulties, tumor and cancerous outbreaks in these areas of the body.

Wisdom: All my physical needs for safety will be met.

Affirmation: All is one

SECOND CHAKRA – The need to control

Location: Genital region of the body.

Body Parts: sexual organs, lower intestines, lower vertebrae, pelvis, appendix, bladder

Childhood stage: learn to relate in a healthy and balanced manner to the material world.

Tribal ideas: Eye for eye justice taught before forgiveness.

Tribal ideas- benefits: capacity to nurture yourself and others

Tribal ideas-disadvantages: susceptible to tribal epidemics, financial crisis, natural disasters.

Life issues: Issues of power in the external world specifically financial, sexual as well as power in relationship dynamics and personal power in terms of business and social interactions. 

Difficulty with creativity, log experiences of rape, abortion, betrayal and mistrust.

Physical illness: tumors in sexual genital organs, bleeding disorders. Female dysfunctions include menstrual difficulties, infertility, vaginal infections, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, tumor and cancer of female organs.

Male dysfunctions include impotency and prostate difficulties. Male and female include pelvic and lower back pain, herpes and all sexual diseases, slipped discs, all sexual problems and bladder and urinary difficulties.

Wisdom: sharing, learning to relate with respect to other people, learning self worth without associating with material objects.

Affirmation: Honor one another.

THIRD CHAKRA – Self-esteem

Location: stomach area of the body

Body Parts: abdomen, upper intestine, gallbladder, kidneys, liver, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, middle spinal area.

Childhood stage: self hood, personal empowerment and interpersonal relationship skills. Learns to trust his or her own instincts.

Tribal ideas: conflict between tribal power vs. self-power. Learn to choose your own reality vs. the tribe choosing for you. 

Tribal ideas- benefits: guidance to assist us with survival data such as trusting people, mechanical instructions, counsels about business enterprises.

Tribal ideas-disadvantages: inability to trust oneself and others specifically with one’s own emotional needs.

Life issues: self-esteem, fear of being criticized, integrity, ethics, personal honor with yourself.

Physical illness: arthritis, ulcers, all related stomach problems, intestinal problems including cancer, pancreatitis, diabetes, cancer of the pancreas, kidney difficulties, acute indigestion, anorexia, bulimia and nausea.

Wisdom: self-confidence, self-respect, and belief in oneself.

Affirmation: Honor oneself

FOURTH CHAKRA – Developing self-love 

Location: heart

Body Parts: heart, lungs, shoulders, ribs, breast, diaphragm, esophagus, circulatory and respiratory system.

Childhood stage: give and receive love

Tribal idea: care, safety and protection of everyone in the tribe. If you become too self-serving or too self –centered, then you are not an equal member of the tribe.

Tribal idea advantage: care for yourself and others simultaneously

Tribal idea disadvantage: inability to distinguish love from abusive form of behavior. Human order and justice, human sequence of events in order to enter divine time e.g. forgiveness is in the present time.

Life issues: emotional problems and relationship difficulties. Fear, anger and resentment develop instead of love. Betrayal, jealousy, blaming others, forgiveness.

Physical illness: heart conditions including heart attack, enlarged heart, blocked arteries, congestive heart failure, asthma, allergies, lung problems including cancer. 

Bronchial difficulties, pneumonia, circulatory problems, all upper back and shoulder problems.

Wisdom: love of self as well as love of life itself.

Affirmation: love is divine power

THE FIFTH CHAKRA – Personal expression and individual willpower

Location: Throat

Body Parts: thyroid, trachea, esophagus, neck, vertebrae, throat and mouth including your gums and jaw.

Childhood stage: personal expression and individual willpower

Tribal ideas: discover willpower by your ability to control others.

Tribal idea- benefits: capacity to speak and articulate truth

Tribal idea disadvantage: tribal idea that you do not need to change your life; tendency to become a manipulator.

Life issues: willpower and its relationship to what is created in our personal worlds

Physical illness: raspy throat, chronic sore throat problems, throat and mouth cancers, gum difficulties, teeth problem, jaw misalignment, scoliosis, stiff neck, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tension headaches around base of the neck, swollen glands and thyroid conditions. Addiction to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sugar, food or any other form of addiction that indicates inability to command your own will power.

Wisdom: cause and effect understanding that our thoughts, words, mental and emotional intentions have consequences.

Affirmation: I surrender my personal power to divine will.

THE SIXTH CHAKRA – The mental field (eye of wisdom)

Location: center of the forehead.

Body Parts: brain, eyes, ears, nose, pineal and pituitary gland

Childhood stage: development of intelligence; trained to think and reason

Tribal ideas: all tribal beliefs must be removed from your mental field in order to succeed

Life issues: inability to challenge oneself to see the broader perspective at work in one’s life

Physical illness: brain tumors, brain hemorrhages, blood clots in brain, neurological disorders, blindness, deafness, full spinal difficulties, migraine, tension headaches, anxiety, nervousness including nervous breakdowns, comas, depression, schizophrenia, grand mal seizures, mental/emotional disorders and learning disabilities

Wisdom: capacity to use wisdom and not to judge.  Our shadow part will be susceptible to illusions.

Affirmation: I seek only the truth

Note: you must unplug from tribal reality  in order to heal

 (chakras 1,2,3) in order to receive direction from the divine

Divine guidance comes from the top of head (spiritual voice becomes clear)

THE SEVENTH CHAKRA – Spiritual grace

Location: crown of the head, entry point where invisible current of energy pours into the human energy system nourishing body, mind and spirit

Body Parts: nervous and muscle systems, skin and skeletal structure

Child stage: personal spiritual discipline

Tribal ideas: orientation toward physical matter creates our attitude that life force is questionable because we can not see it with our physical eyes but yet it exists

Life issues: negative attitudes, beliefs, values, ethics and emotional energies

Physical illness: nervous system disorders, paralysis, genetic disorders, bone problems including bone cancer and debilitating illnesses such as multiple sclerosis and ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)

Wisdom: spiritual contact with invisible realm is real

Affirmation: I live in the present moment and all I need to do is to change one attitude so my world can change.

In conclusion,  you can determine the changes in your life by the density of your thoughts. Otherwise, you will continue to live in a group tribal experience.

When you begin to choose your own journey of self-empowerment, you allow change to happen faster in your life because you let go of perceptions/limiting beliefs that no longer serve you and make space for new perceptions in your life.

The journey of life is to unplug you from the illusion of the outside world, which will take your Spirit away. In reviewing the chakra centers and their relationship to the process of personal development, it is clearly visible that each level of development builds upon one another.  Without an adequate sense of personal power, it is impossible to learn to give love and trust others without manipulation or insecure behavior.

*These concepts are based on the book “Anatomy of the Spirit “written by Caroline Myss, PH. D.

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