Ayahuasca is a sacred medicinal plant from the Amazon. Its name is derived from the Quechua word Aya, meaning death or soul and Huasca, meaning rope or vine. It is considered the vine to death or soul.
This sacred plant is created when two main plants are mixed together in a special brew. Banisteriopsis caapi vine contains an alkaloid called harmine, which is quite healing for the body, but it does not produce any visions by itself. The second plant is the chacruna leaf, which contains DMT (dimethyltryptamine) also known as the God molecule. When the chacruna leaf is consumed by itself, the enzymes in our stomach destroy the molecule. However, when both plants are combined, Ayahuasca vine blocks the stomach enzymes and the brew goes directly into the bloodstream. It is then that it flows into the brain, allowing us to obtain unique healing visions. The jungle shaman prepares this special brew of Ayahuasca, infusing it with love and healing prayers.
There are three main elements to consider when you are ready to participate in a sacred ceremony: the setting, the shaman, and the plant. Ayahuasca contains high amounts of serotonin, which is the most common neurotransmitter in the brain. When you participate in communion with this plant medicine, the entire brain is activated, giving us access to three layers of the brain:
The primitive or reptilian brain is the oldest part of the mammalian brain and is responsible for basic survival functions such as respiration, heart rate, and body temperature. It is also in charge of the feeding, fighting, fleeing and fornicating. It holds the basis for all our beliefs and informs how our reality works.
The limbic brain system is responsible for emotions, memory, judgments, nurture behavior and stress response.
The neocortex brain is responsible for rational thinking and planning. It also covers the fields of science and spirituality.
If we hold disempowering beliefs, they unfortunately become self-fulfilling prophecies in our lives. Some examples are our attitudes towards scarcity, abundance, abandonment, intimacy, and safety. These ideas are usually formed during childhood and have a big influence on our lives. Sometimes, they can prevent us from healing.
It becomes difficult to rewire our brain by just changing our mind. But when we participate in a plant medicine ceremony, we activate the entire brain and override these primitive neuron networks that keep us experiencing a disempowering world over and over again. When we are able to override these neuron pathways and break from the grip of the reptilian brain’s perception, we will be able to experience illumination or enlightenment.
We are able to access life-changing insights that can assist us in transforming our lives and the world. The ceremony does not only become a vision or revelation. When we implement small changes in our lives, this may lead to life-changing events over time. It is then that we may be able to prevent some genetic predispositions that run in our families such as cancer and heart disease. We are also able to grow new brain cells and override the programing of the reptilian brain. Our survival is no longer in the driver seat. Instead, we develop the vision to see problems as possibilities of wisdom.
After participating in the ceremony, we integrate the experience and bring insights back into our lives and into the world.
Ayahuasca awakens our intuition; it allows us to connect with the voices of nature. It does so by activating the corpus callosum, which acts as a bridge between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. This connects our intellectual and intuitive parts of ourselves and we enter the first stage of illumination.
While in ceremony, Ayahuasca facilitates the death of the ego so we can experience rebirth. The sacred plant knows where to go so it can remove excess blockages in our energy field.
In the physical body, this is experienced through vomiting. Letting go of hatred and fear enables you to work with forgiveness. It awakens your vision by supporting you in deeply looking within you so you can become aware of the war that lives within you; then learning to choose how to use your power whether it is to destroy or create. You are able to practice fearlessness in your actions so you can dream a new future for yourself.
Discover who you really are and bring this wisdom into your world so you can share it with your family, friends, and community. By doing so, you learn to practice the way of the eagle. You develop a higher perception of reality and discover that it is no longer just you but a collective we. As you begin to shine your own light, you may then empower others to also shine their light. We begin to dream a new world together for the future of our children to live in harmony with all.